• Shri M. P. Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar
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Staff Information

Staff Information

Dr. Deval N Vora  (Skin & VD)
Name : Dr. Deval N Vora
Designation : Professor
Department : Skin & VD
Qualification : MBBS,MD
Joining Date : 18/06/2002
Total Teaching Expereince 21 years
Extra Details 1 :
Extra Details 2 :
Publication Details :
1. A Comparative study of combined effect of dermaroller and topical tacrolimus(50 cases) vs topical tacrolimus alone(50 cases) in patients of stable vitiligo(total 100 cases); International journal of research and review,volume 9; issue 11(november 2022 ) ,EISSN2349-9788,PISSN2454-2237;Dr. Khyati Sidapara, Dr. Deval Vora, Dr. Prachi Mehta, Dr. Nidhi Patel,Dr Ravindra Patel. Index copernicus

2. A comparative study of therapeutic efficacy of BCG immunotherapy (50 cases) and Vitamin D (50 cases) in cutaneous warts (Total 100 cases) ; International Journal of research and review,volume 9;issue11(november 2022),EISSN2349-9788,PISSN2454-2237Dr Nidhi Patel ,Dr Deval Vora,Dr Khyati Sidapara,Dr Prachi Mehta, Dr.Sumana M.Index copernicus

3. Study of fractional carbon dioxide laser in treatment of onychomycosis(100 cases);international journal of research and review, volume 9;issue11(november 2022) EISSN2349-9788,PISSN2454-2237,Dr Prachi Mehta , Dr Deval Vora, Dr Nidhi Patel, Dr Khyati Sidapara,Dr Devang pandya. Index copernicus

4. A Comparative study of efficacy of fractional CO2 laser vs microdermabrasion in treatment of acne scar (Total 100 patients) international journal of research and review, volume 9 issue 1 PISSN2454-2237,EISSN2349-9788 : Dr. Jinali Makwana, Dr. Deval. N. Vora .Index Copernicus

5. A Comparative study of efficacy of miniature punch grafting and platelet rich plasma therapy in treatment of focal stable vitiligo in 50 cases International  journal of research and review, volume 9 issue 1  EISSN2349-9788,PISSN2454-2237 Dr.Vijay Soyal , Dr.Deval.N. Vora.Index Copernicus

6. Efficacy and safety of various oral isotretinoin treatment regimens in moderate to severe acne vulgaris: A prospective, randomised controlled,single blinded, parallel group comparative study international journal of research and review, volume 9 issue 1 ISSN2231-2196 Dr.anuj kothari, Dr. Deval vora, Dr. Mohit saxena, Dr. Simran singh aujla Index copernicus

7. Apremilast, a recent advance in systemic treatment of psoriasis (25 cases) International Journal of research and review, volume 7 issue12 PISSN2454-2237, EISSN2349-9788 Index copernicus

8. Comparative study of PRP vs 35% GA peel in acne scarring
International Journal of research in medicine 2018;7(2):54-56 pISSN232 0-2734 eISSN232 0-2742 Nilam Damor, Deval N.vora, Juhi Thakkar, Rinkal Madhudiya

9. Dexamethasone,cyclophosphamide pulse therapy in pemphigus vulgaris, a study of 25 cases International Journals of research in medicine,volume 5,issue 3 PISSN232 0-2734 EISSN232 0-2742 Anuj Kothari,Deval N. Vora, Moiz F. Mithaiwala, Kamalini Meher, Nilam Damor, Juhi Thakkar

10. Oral and cutaneous presentations and outcomes in of Stevens Johnson syndrome at tertiary care hospital National journal of otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery, volume 2011 no. 2 PISSN232 1-4740 Dr Deval Vora, V C Popat, A. Sangwan, P. Solanki, Bharti, A. Kothari

11. A study to compare efficacy of Journal of various anti-fungals (Fluconazole,terbinafine, itracon azole) In treatment of Onychomycosis ,Journal of research in medical and dental science, volume 2,issue 4 pISSN2347-2545 elSSN234 7-2367 Deval N Vora, Bharti, Pooja Solanki, Anuj Kothari, Kamalini Meher

12. Rhinological evaluation in leprosy World articles in Ear, nose and throat PISSN194 8-9579 Dr Deval Vora, Dr Vijay Popat, Dr Vinita Brahmbhatt, Dr Ankita Sangwan, Dr Vikas Sinha.

13. A study of culprit factor,ultimately Demanding nephrectomy Internet journal of urology Internet journal of urology ISSN1528 -8390 ; Dr.Deval N. Vora, DR. Vijay Popat, Dr. Meet P. kumar,Dr.Dhaval Udani, Dr. Mahaveer Prasad,.

14 Role of histopathology in lytic lesions of bone, a study of seventy cases of lytic lesions of bone Internet journal of orthopedic surgery, volume 19 no. 1 Pubmed ISSN- 1531- 2968 Dr Deval N.Vora, Dr.Vijay Popat, Dr. Vijay R.Sata

15.Clinico-pathological correlation of neck lesions-a study of 103 cases Internet journal of head and neck surgery Internet journal of head and neck surgery ISSN 1937- 819X ,Dr Deval Vora, Dr Vijay Popat , Dr. Harsh Shah

16. Comparison of Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia with WHO Endometrial hyperplasia classification system. A comparative study of 150 cases Internet journal Of histopathology (British journal wiley Blackwell publishing) volume 57,issue 4 ISSN1365-2559 Dr.Deval N.Vora, Dr. Vijay Popat, Dr.NileshGadhvi, Dr.Viral Bhanvadiya

17. A study of 75 cases of pemphigus vulgaris in saurashtra region of india Iranian journal of dermatology,volume 13no. ISSN0021082X Dr. Deval N.Vora , Dr.Vijay Popat,Dr.Viral Bhanvadia, Dr.Dimple Mehta, Dr.Meet Kumar.

18. Histopathological study of nasal mass Gujarat journal of otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery ISSN 09731024 .
Conference Workshop Details :
Achievement Details :
•Regularly attended & actively participated in many international, national and state level
conferences of dermatology, cosmetology and STDs

•Presented various award papers and posters in various conferences.
•Life time membership of Indian Journal of dermatology and venerology (IJDVL)
•Life time membership of cosmetic dermatology society of Ahmedabad (CDSA)
•Life time member of cosmetic dermatology society of Saurashtra and Rajkot (CDSR)

•Organizing various CMEs

Teaching Experience :

Qualification :