• Shri M. P. Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar
  • Anti Ragging Toll Free Helpline No : 1800-180-5522 AEBAS

Staff Information

Staff Information

Dr Nileshwari H.Vala  (Physiology)
Name : Dr Nileshwari H.Vala
Designation : Professor & Head
Department : Physiology
Qualification : MBBS,MD
Joining Date : 20/03/2002
Total Teaching Expereince 23 years
Extra Details 1 :
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Publication Details :
1.Vala N.H, Gitesh dubal .analysis of effect of lipid profile on controlled/uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and evaluating link between diabetes ,dyslipidemia in coronary artery disease.international journal of basic and applied physiology,7(1),2018

2.Vala N.H, Gitesh dubal. A study to find out association between blood group and complete hemogram . international journal of basic and applied physiology,7(1),2018

3.Vala N.H, Gitesh dubal. Comprehensive nalysis of lipid profile in diabetic patients in Jamnagar,Gujarat.international journal of biomedical and advanced research,2018; 9(12): 388-391

4.Vala N.H, Gitesh dubal.A study to find out association between blood group and lipid profile.national journal of physiology,pharmacy and pharmacology 2019¦vol 9¦Issue 1

5.Vala N.H, Gitesh dubal. A study to find out association between blood group and platelet count .national journal of physiology,pharmacy and pharmacology 2019 ¦vol 9¦Issue 1

6.Vala N.H,betsy Johnson,A cross sectional study on knowledge of menstruation and hygiene practice among first year medical students of jamnagr ,Gujarat. national journal of physiology,pharmacy and pharmacology 2019 ¦vol 9¦Issue 3

7.Vala N.H, Vachhani MV, Sorani AM. Study of evaluation of e-learning classes among medical students during COVID-19 pandemic phase in Jamnagar city. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2020;10 (Online First). DOI: 10.5455/njppp.2020.10.07203202031072020
8.Vala N.H, Vachhani MV, Sorani AM. Study of anxiety, stress, and depression level among medical students during COVID-19 pandemic phase in Jamnagar city. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2020;10 (Online First). DOI: 10.5455/njppp.2020.10.07205202031072020
9.Vala NH, Parmar NJ, Sorani AM.Prevalence of smart phone addiction among medical students.Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2023;13 (Online First).DOI: 10.5455/njppp.2023.13.094662022003112022
10.Vala NH, Parmar NJ, Sorani AM.A cross-sectional study to find out the effect of menstrual symptoms on academic performance of medical students.Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2023;13 (Online First).DOI: 10.5455/njppp.2023.13.062701202211062022
11.Vala NH, Kataria AN, Sorani AM. A cross-sectional study to find out association between smartphone addiction and dry eye disease among medical students in Jamnagar. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2023;13. DOI: 10.5455/njppp.2023.13.07346202214072022
12.Vala NH, Kataria AN, Sorani AM. A cross-sectional study to find out association between smartphone addiction and dry eye disease among medical students in Jamnagar. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2023;13. DOI: 10.5455/njppp.2023.13.07346202214072022
Conference Workshop Details :
1.Course on Computer Concepts (CCC+) Certificate by SPIPA, Govt of Gujarat,Rajkot
2.U.G & P.G teacher recognition Certificate by saurashtra university
3.ICONBAP-2018(22th -23rd december) (4th International Conference of Basic and Applied Physiology) certificates for becoming Judge for Paper Presentation held at haridwar
4.ICONBAP-2012() ( International Conference of Basic and Applied Physiology) certificates for becoming Judge for Paper Presentation  held at Jaipur.
5.ASSOPICON-2018(27th- 29th September) ( 5th international conference of association of physiologists of india) certificate for becoming chairperson for paper presentation.
6.Certificate for participation in workshop on “Principles & Practice of Education Technology in Medical e - Education” held 15th – 17th feb 2005 at Smt N.H.L. Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
7.Certificate for participation in“Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP-II)”
Organised by MEU,Shri.M.P.Shah Govt Medical College,Jamnagar, Gujarat (24th-25th sept-2020)
8.Certificate for participation in“Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP-I)”
Organised by MEU,Shri.M.P.Shah Govt Medical College,Jamnagar, Gujarat under aegis of MCI Nodal Center,Pramukhswami Medical College, Karamsad (26th-28th june-2019)
9.Certificate for participation in “Post Graduates Orientation Workshop” as faculty (25th June 2018) Organised by MEU,Shri.M.P.Shah Govt Medical College,Jamnagar, Gujarat.
10.Certificate for participation in “ Training of Trainers in Mentoring Skills Workshop” as a delegate (17th February 2018) Organised by MEU,Shri.M.P.Shah Govt Medical College,Jamnagar, Gujarat.
11.Certificate for participation in “Workshop on E – Learning Skills” as a faculty (28th August2018) Organised by MEU,Shri.M.P.Shah Govt Medical College,Jamnagar,Gujarat 
12.Certificate for participation in “Revised basic wokshop” (22nd – 24th august 2021) Organised by MEU,Shri.M.P.Shah Govt Medical College,Jamnagar,Gujarat
Achievement Details :
Teaching Experience :

Qualification :