• Shri M. P. Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar
  • Anti Ragging Toll Free Helpline No : 1800-180-5522 AEBAS

Staff Information

Staff Information

Dr. Maulik Varu  (Physiology)
Name : Dr. Maulik Varu
Designation : Associate Professor
Department : Physiology
Qualification : MBBS,MD
Joining Date : 22/01/2008
Total Teaching Expereince 15 Years
Extra Details 1 :
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Publication Details :
1.Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Post-graduate Medical Students by B. H. Thakkar, M. S. Varu, R. D. Jani ,  M N Mehta IMJ 2010; 104(6): 187-188
2.A Comparative Study Of Serum Lipid Profile Between Premenopausal And Postmenopausal Women by Maulik S. Varu, Anup M. Vegad, Hitesh A. Jani, Chirag V. Savalia, Varsha S. Joshi, NJIRM 2012; 3(1): 43-45
3.A Study of First Episode of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients by Anup M. Vegad, Maulik S. Varu, Mahesh M. Rathod, Hitesh A. Jani, Chirag V. Savalia NJIRM 2012; 3(3): 11-14
4.Effects of Flour Dust on Computerized Spirometric Parameters in Flour Mill Workers by Yagnesh Nayak, Yogesh Kacha, Hemant Mehta, Chinmay Shah, Anup Vegad, Maulik Varu , IJBAP 2013; 2(1): 208-213
5.A Comparative Study of Computerized Spirometric Parameters Between Air Conditioner Users and Non Air Conditioner Users by Maulik Varu, Yogesh Kacha, Anup Vegad, Chinmay Shah, Hemant Mehta, IJBAP 2013; 2(1): 163-167
6.Assessment of Lung Functions and Factors Affecting in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients, Anup Vegad, Maulik Varu, Vilas Patel, Varsha Joshi. SEAJCRR 2014; 3(1): 584-598
7.Correlation of serum creatinine with left ventricular mass index in hypertensive patients by Hitesh Jani, Priti Bhanderi, Maulik Varu, Anup Vegad, Varsha Joshi. IJBAP 2014; 3(1): 76-79
8.Effects of wood dust on respiratory functions in saw mill workers by Yogesh Kacha, Yagnesh Nayak, Anup Vegad, Maulik Varu, Hemant Mehta, Chinmay Shah. IJBAP 2014; 3(1): 99-105
9.Effects of mobile phone radiation on heart rate variability of healthy young subjects. By Anup Vegad, Yogesh Kacha, Maulik Varu, Hemant Mehta, Chinmay Shah. IJCEP 2015; 2(1): 23-28
10.Blood flow index in lower extremities of healthy volunteers by impedance plethysmography. By Yogesh Kacha, Anup Vegad, Maulik Varu, Hemant Mehta, C J Shah. IJBAP 2015; 4(1): 97-104
11.Attendance, attitudes and academic performance: A study on first year MBBS students attending physiology classes. By Maulik Varu, Anup Vegad, Chinmay Shah, Hemant Mehta, Yogesh Kacha. IJMSE 2016; 3(1): 31-37
Conference Workshop Details :
1.“International update on excellence in medical education for the best of health care to underserved” held at Sevagram, Wardha, Maharashtra on 12, 13/ 9/2008.
2.54th national conference of Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India held at Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore on 27-30/12/2008
3.57th national conference of Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India held at AIIMS, New Delhi on 13-17/12/2011
4.1st International Conference on Basic and Applied Physiology held at BJMC, Ahmedabad on 22-23/12/2012
5.2nd  International Conference on Basic and Applied Physiology held at SMSMC, Jaipur on 21-22/12/2013
6.3rd   International Conference on Basic and Applied Physiology held at NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad on 20-21/12/2014
7.Pulmonary and Critical Care conference (ASHRAICON) held at Bhavnagar on 4/1/2015

1.Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies held at Govt. Medical College, Bhavnagar on 22-24/07/2011
2.Work shop on AFT & Advanced technique of vascular function ” held at AIIMS, New Delhi on 14/12/2011 in APPICON – 2011.
3.Pre-conferense workshop on Impedance Cardiovasography, Nerve Conduction Velocity & Electromyography held at dept. of Physiology, Govt.Medical College, Bhavnagar on 20-21/12/2012
4.Pre-conferense workshop on Heart rate Variability and Stressers & destressers held at SMSMC, Jaipur on 19-20/12/2013
5.Good Clinical Practice Workshop held at GMC, Bhavnagar on 15/12/2014
6.Basic Course in Sleep Medicine held at GMC, Bhavnagar on 27-28/2/2015
7.Orientation Workshop on Quality in Healthcare Services held at GMC, Bhavnagar on 4/9/2016
Achievement Details :
Teaching Experience :

Qualification :