• Shri M. P. Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar
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Staff Information

Staff Information

Dr Shilpa Chudasama  (Radiodiagnosis (Radiology))
Name : Dr Shilpa Chudasama
Designation : Associate Professor
Department : Radiodiagnosis (Radiology)
Qualification : MBBS,MD
Joining Date : 21-01-2003
Total Teaching Expereince 23 Years
Extra Details 1 :
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Publication Details :
Case Report. Ovarian torsion with ruptures ovarian hemorrhage with massive hemoperitoneum in case of ITP- the Internet Journal of Radiology.

MR Findings of Vertebral artery AVM: The Internet Journal of Radiology. 2012 Volume 14 Number 1.

Long proximal femoral nails versus short proximal femoral nails for the management of proximal femoral fractures: a retrospective study of 124 patients.

Malignant mesenchymal renal tumour: a rare case of primary renal fibrosarcoma.

USG and CT correlation in blunt abdominal trauma: International journal of science and research (Accepted yet to publish).

Role of elastography in benign vs malignant breast lesions: International journal of Radiologists, November 2019.

Evaluation of effect of YOGA and PRANAYAM on quality of ovulation in primary infertility by colour doppler ultrasonography; Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated medical sciences. (Accepted yet to publish).

Cerebral hemiatrophy-Etiological characterisation using neuro imaging findings; European society of radiology.

Malignant mesenchymal renal tumours, A rare case of renal fibrosarcoma; Journal of clinical imaging science.

Synchronous multifocal osteogenic sarcoma on multimodality imaging including bone scintigraphy; Indian journal of nuclear medicine.

Hypoplasia of right hepatic lobe associated with portal hypertension and retro peritoneal fibrosis; Medical journal of D.Y. PATIL VIDYAPITH.

OTTO pelvis; Euro Rad.
GCT of the skull with coexistent aneurysmal bone cyst
Rosai-Dorfman disease of paranasal sinuses mimicking lymphoma
Role of elastography in evaluation of benign Vs malignant breast lesions

Role of MRI in Evaluation of Young Adults Present with Back Pain and its Association with their Occupation

Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: A Case Report

Role of perfusion of MRI and MR spectroscopy in evaluation and management of intra cranial space occupying lesions.

Evaluation of Cervical Spine in Neck Pain by 1.5 Tesla MRI In A Long Term Technology
Role of MRI in Evaluation of Chronic Shoulder Pain

Screening sonomammography for occurrence  of breast malignancy in more than 30 years old women in Jamnagar city

role of mri in common and uncommen female pelvic mass
role of sonography of brain through anterior frontanelle in neonate
co rrelation between mri brain findings anf eeg study inchildren and adults with clinicaly diagnosed seizure

radiological spectrum of lymphoma evaluation by ctscan

Radiological and histopathological corelation of salivary gland pathologies

Conference Workshop Details :
Achievement Details :
Establishment of mammography at M.P. Shah Medical college
Teaching Experience :

Qualification :