• Shri M. P. Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar
  • Anti Ragging Toll Free Helpline No : 1800-180-5522 AEBAS

Staff Information

Staff Information

Dr. Mithun M Sanghvi  (PSM)
Name : Dr. Mithun M Sanghvi
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department : PSM
Qualification : MBBS, MD (PSM)
Joining Date : 18/05/2006
Total Teaching Expereince 17 Years
Extra Details 1 :
Extra Details 2 :
Publication Details :
1)  Sanghavi MM. A Review of Trend of Leprosy Situation in Jamnagar District of 
     Gujarat.  Natl J Community Med 2012; 3(3):486-90.
2) Sanghavi MM. Study of working profile of child labourers in urban slum areas of
    Rajkot city. Int J Med Sci Public Health. 2013; 2(1): 98-103.
3) Sanghavi MM. Study of Socio Demographic and Health profile of child labourers.
     NJIRM 2012; 3(5) : 102-108 (National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine)
4) Sanghavi MM. Record based evaluation of Revised National Tuberculosis
   Control Program in Jamnagar District. NJIRM 2013; Vol. 4(5) : 24-29 
5) Sanghavi MM. Assessment of Routine Immunization Program at Primary Health
    Centre level in Jamnagar District. NJMR Oct Dec 2013; Vol. 3(4): 319-323
6) Sanghavi MM. Study of socio demographic factors influencing vaccination status of
    children in Dared industrial area of Jamnagar. IJORIM 2013; Vol.2 (4):44-48
7) Mithun M Sanghavi. Awareness Regarding Human Papilloma Virus and its Vaccine
    among Final Year MBBS Students. Natl J Community Med 2014; 5(2):169-173.
8) Gelotar PS, Durani K, Gandha KM, Sanghavi MM. Epidemiological characteristics 
     including seasonal trend of hospital based swine flu cases in Jamnagar region,
     Gujarat, India. J Res Med Den Sci 2015;3(1): 39-42.
9) Mithun M Sanghavi. Record based analysis of pattern and trend of STIs in tertiary 
    care hospital, Jamnagar (Gujarat). International Journal of Science & Applied  
    Research. 2015; 2(8): 01-07

Conference Workshop Details :
Workshop Details:

1) Workshop on Sustaining Elimination of Iodine Deficiency Disorders in India, 2003, Rajkot.

2) “RNTCP Workshop” organized by WHO at Rajkot, 2005

3)Attended the Orientation Workshop on Life style related diseases and NCDs at BJ Medical College, Ahmedabad.(2005)

4)Attended Advocacy Workshop on “Prevention and Control of Fluorosis” at PDU Medical College, Rajkot. (Aug 2007)
5) Attended workshop and training for SRIM (State Routine Immunization Monitor) at SIHFW, Sola, Ahmedabad organized by MOHFW, Govt. of Gujarat. (Sep 2007)  

6) Attended state level workshop for District Officials on filariasis at SIHFW, Sola. (Nov 2007)

7)Attended the workshop on “qualitative research : Approaches and Application” at Hotel Express, Baroda organized by C.O.R.T. (Center of Operations Research and Training) (Nov Nov Nov 2008).

8)  Attended State Level Review workshop on “Mamta Divas and RI” at Hotel Surya Palace, Baroda organized by MOHFW, Govt. of Gujarat and UNICEF. (Jan JanJan 2009)

9)  Attended the state level workshop on “IDD survey methodology and standardization” at village Zagadiya, Bharuch district organized by state nutritional cell, Gandhinagar and MOHFW, Govt. of Gujarat. (Feb 2009)

10) Attended the Training cum orientation workshop on “Enhanced Syndromic Case Management of STI/RTI” at Hotel Host Inn, Ahmedabad organized by GSACS. (Feb 2009)

11) Attended workshop cum CME on Malaria and Dengue clinical management at Hotel Aaram, Jamnagar organized by Deptt of PSM, MPSMC, Jamnagar (Mar 2010)

12) Attended orientation workshop on TI Program and Evaluation of TI Projects at Hotel Royal Highness, Ahmedabad organized by GSACS. (July 2010)

13)  Attended review cum training workshop on Mamta Divas and SRIM at Infocity, Gandhinagar organized by MOHFW, Govt of Gujarat. (Oct 2010)

14) Participated in the workshop of Basic Medical Education Technology (MET Training for MCI) at Shree M. P. Shah Medical College, Jamnagar. (Jan 2011)

15) Participated in the workshop of “ Rapid assessment of IMNCI Implementation for medical college faculties” held at Hotel President, CG Road, Ahmedabad organized by district health society, Ahmedabad supported by UNICEF. (Sep 2011) 

16) Participated in the IDSP Orientation Workshop at Shree M. P. Shah Medical College organized by CDHO, Jamnagar and Suptt. GG Hospital, Jamnagar. (July 2012)

17) Participated in the state research Team Training workshop of “In Depth analysis of cold chain, vaccine supply and logistic management of routine immunization at hotel aaram and resingcy, Jamnagar organized by INCLEN, New Delhi funded by MOHFW, GOI and Bill and Merinda Gates foundation. (Sep 2012)

18) I attended state level dissemination workshop on “In Depth analysis of cold chain, vaccine supply and logistics management of routine immunization – an IPEN study” at  Gandhinagar organized by INCLEN trust and Health and family welfare deptt, Govt of Gujarat. (Nov 2014)

19) I attended sensitization workshop on ICD 10 at M. P. Shah Medical College, Jamnagar (Nov 2014)

20) Participated in the workshop regarding NABH at college council room of Shree M P  Shah Medical College, Jamnagar (Feb 2016)

21) Participated in State Level Workshop on EVM (Effective Vaccine Management) organized by NCCVMRC, UNICEF, MOHFW (GOG) and GMERS Medical College, Gandhinagar (Jan 2019)

22)  Participated in State Level Workshop on EVM IP (Effective Vaccine Management Improvement Plan) organized by NCCVMRC, UNICEF, MOHFW (GOG) and GMERS Medical College, Gandhinagar (2019)

23) Attended state level Capacity building workshop for RMTS members at IIPHG, Gandhinagar organized by UNICEF and MOHFW, Govt of Gujarat (July 2023)


•I attended the National Level Conference of Community Medicine at PGI (Post Graduate Institute), Chandigarh (2004)

•I attended the State Level Conference of Community Medicine and PG Meet at B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad (2004)

•I attended the State Level Conference of Community Medicine at Shri M P Shah Medical College, Jamnagar (2005)

•I attended the State Level Conference of Community Medicine at Kesar Sal Medical College, Ahmedabad. (2006)

•I attended the National Level Conference of Community Medicine at AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences), New Delhi (2007)

•I attended the Second World Congress on Clinical and Preventive Cardiology (WCCPC and WCPHC 2007) at Shantivan, Abu Road, Rajastan.

•I attended the XVI Annual State Level Conference of Community Medicine at C. U. Shah Medical College, Surendranagar (2008).

•I attended the XVII Annual State Level Conference of Community Medicine (IAPSM) at Chaukidani, Rajkot organized by PSM Department , PDU Medical College, Rajkot (Jan 2010).

•I attended the XXI Annual State Level Conference of Community Medicine (IAPSM GC) and third annual conference of IPHA Gujarat chapter at Yaswant rai Hall, Bhavnagar organized by PSM Department , Govt. Medical College, Bhavnagar (Jan 2014).

•I attended the XXII Annual State Level Conference of Community Medicine (IAPSM GC) and Fourth annual conference of IPHA Gujarat chapter at J B Auditorium, Ahmedabad organized by PSM Department , GMERS. Medical College, Sola (Dec 2014).

Achievement Details :
I received honour for my Covid related work from Respected Collector Sir of Dev Bhoomi Dwarka District on the occasion of celebration of Republic day at Pared Ground, Jam Khambhalia (26/01/2022).
I received honour and appreciation letter for my Surat Flood relief work from Commissioner sir of MOHFW, Gujarat 
I was selected for the post of SMO (Surveillance Medical Officer) by WHO-NPSP project.
MOHFW, Govt. of Gujarat assigned different other responsibilities like State level observer for Polio rounds in various districts i.e. Jamnagar, Rajkot, Junagadh districts etc., as a SRIM (State Routine Immunization Officer) or RMTS monitor (Regional Monitors Team Supervisor) for Junagadh district, Bhavnagar district and Jamnagar district, as a RRT member in various epidemic like anthrax outbreak, swine flu outbreak, cyclone, Covid 19 pandemic, measles outbreak etc. besides regular duties
Confirmed by GPSC (Gujarat Public Service Commission) Examination for the post of Tutor.
Passed M.D. (Preventive and Social Medicine) examination in first trial with First Class.
Had experience of Working with International Organization like WHO, UNICEF, INCLEN etc. in different Projects and Programmes.
Had invited and had experience of Working with Various National Organization and Institutes like NPSP, NACO, SACS, NIHFW, NCCVMRC, State Health Department etc. in different Projects and Programmes.
Teaching Experience :

Qualification :